Public Goods Podcast
Innovate, Impact, Iterate. A podcast featuring changemakers building public goods and funding mechanisms.
Presented by POTLOCK
Public Goods Podcast
Funding Investigative Journalism & Coordinating Billions in A Treasury w/ Devansh Mehta of VoiceDeck DAO
Devansh Mehta
Season 1
Episode 5
Really happy to have Devansh Mehta, Captain / Steward at Voice Deck DAO, and WG lead at Abitrum Treasury, to talk about how he is building new business models for funding journalism based on impact leveraging Web3, and ecosystem growth strategies working with a $7 billion treasury.
Devansh Mehta Twitter https://twitter.com/TheDevanshMehta
VoiceDeck DAO Twitter https://twitter.com/VoiceDeckDAO & Github https://github.com/VoiceDeck
Mentions ->
- Devansh Sues His Principal
- Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) https://www.occrp.org/
- Panama Papers
- Robinhood foundation
- Hypercerts
- Ethereum Attestation Service
- Ethereum Foundation Fellow
- Abitrum DAO
- Robinhood foundation quantitative - benefit cost ratio / impact is relative to cost
- Icij (International Consortium of Investigative Journalism)
- Octant Public Goods
- Optimism Retro Funding Update
- PGP Key
- Propublica
- Questbook
- Thrive coin
- Hedgey escrow tool
- Gitcoin Whitepaper 2.0
- Conduit (Rollup as a Service Provider)
- Optimism Superchain
- Arbitrum Orbchain
- Arbitrum Developers Guild
Arbitrum Stylus